
JC photography portfolio

JC Photography – What love looks like. 

My name is Trang Carr, you can call me Janey if you can not pronoun Trang. I am a mother of two and I am a student at UVU with computer science major.

I enjoy photography on my free time as the way to express the love to my children. My pictures are not use Photoshop, they are just simple colors editing. I am still in the progress of learning and improving my works. I am so grateful to have an opportunity to take photography as my choice of art course at UVU. I use Photography as a time captured of all the precious moments of my children. ❤️

Best regard,


Happy Holidays from our family to yours.

Awesome way to call Viet Nam

I have tried this company since last year. The quality phone call is excellent and the price is dirt cheap compare with other company. I am so happy that I can call my Mom in Vietnam every single day… Call all over of Vietnam for  6.9 cents/ minute

Very simple, click to the link and give it a try 🙂

Japanese Green Tea Mochi with ice-cream inside

Ingredient :

110g mochi powder ( Asian market )

180ml water

30g sugar

5g green tea powder

100g potato powder

Vanilla ice-cream



Let’s start :

Step 1 :

Mix well mochi powder with green tea powder and water

step 1


Step 2:

Pour sugar in to the mixed and mix them well

step 2


Step 3:

Drap the bowl by plastic drap ande then microwave them about 1 minute. After 1 minute take them out mix well one more time, then drap the bowl again and microwave about one more minute. ( you can also steam them until the mixed thick and rich )



Step 4 :

Pour all the dough out and mix well until dough looks smooth ( you can use the potato powder to make the dough non-stick in your hand)

step 4


Step 5:

Cover the dough by potato powder



Step 6:

Roll the dough and then cut dough to thin square piece , then put ice-cream inside each dough piece , then cover it well

step 6


Ta-Ta- Finished ^^ , You can store them in the freezer they will be just fine


The mochi cover is soft and smooth and just little sweet… Ice-cream inside make you feel “Zing”. You can also try many different kind of ice-cream and change any flavors for the mochi dough to make them your style. Excellent for the hot summer . Enjoy !!!

mochi mochi mochi






Light and Fluffy, Krispy Kreme Like Doughnuts

Homemade Doughnuts


Krispy Kreme has some of the most amazing doughnuts and now you can make similar doughnuts at home. The longer you let the dough raise the fluffier the doughnuts will be.



  • 2 Tbsp Yeast
  • 1/4 Cup of Warm Water
  • 1 1/2 Cup Warm Milk
  • 1/2 Cup of Sugar
  • 1 Tsp of Salt
  • 2 Eggs (Room Temperature)
  • 1/3 Cup of Shortening
  • 5 Cups of All Purpose Flour
  • 1 Quart of Cooking Oil for Frying
  • Donut Cutter
  • Bosch Kitchen Machine or KitchenAid
  • Deep Fryer


  • 1/3 Cup of Melted Butter
  • 2 Cups Powdered Sugar
  • 1 1/2 Tsp Vanilla
  • 4+ Tbsp of Hot Water



Step 1: Place yeast into your Bosch Kitchen Machine or KitchenAid. Mix in your sugar, water, milk, salt, eggs, and shortening. You will want to make sure your machine has the bread beaters and not the cookie beaters.


Step 2: Add only half of the flour (about 3 cups) and knead the dough for about 10 minutes. This helps the gluten in the dough stick together better. You will begin to see the dough go from a runny start to a nice grouped consistency. Once the dough is kneaded shut the machine off and let the dough raise for about 30 minutes.

Step 3: After the dough has risen turn your Bosch Kitchen Machine or KitchenAid back on and add the rest of the flour. You may need to add more or less depending on the dough. The end result is the dough should clump completely together and not leave a sticky residue on your finger when you touch it. You will know it’s done when you don’t see dough sticking to the side of your machine.


Step 4: Sprinkle a thin layer of flour on your counter. Take the dough out of the machine and set it on the sprinkled flour. Go ahead and sprinkle a little more flour on the dough and begin to roll it out. I generally roll the dough until it’s about 1/4 an inch thick. You can roll the dough thinner or thicker depending on your preference.

Step 5: After dough is rolled begin cutting the doughnuts out using a Donut Cutter. Set the doughnuts aside, roll the dough again, and keep cutting out doughnuts until all the dough is used up.


Step 6: Set the cut doughnuts somewhere to raise – like a cookie sheet. You can let the doughnuts raise as much as you like. Krispy Kreme makes their famous doughnuts raise in a warm place all day. I tend to let them raise for another 30 minutes to two hours depending.

Step 7: When you feel the doughnuts have raised enough turn your Deep Fryer on. If you don’t have a deep frier then you can heat the oil in a pan on the stove. You will want medium heat (oil temperature should be between 350° to 375° F. While the oil is heating mix together the ingredients for the glaze. You may want to add more than 4 Tbsp of hot water depending on how thick you want your glaze. If you don’t like the glaze you can also put sugar inside of a paper bag and when the doughnuts are done shake them inside the bag for a simple sugar coating.


Step 8: Fry the doughnuts to a nice golden color on both sides. Remove from oil and set on a plate with a paper towel on top of it. Let the doughnuts cool a little bit (about one minute or less) and then dip them in the glaze you prepared. Pull them out of the glaze, set them on a tray to finish cooling, and eat as many as you can.


You can mix by hand if you wish, it is just a lot harder and takes longer to knead your dough. One thing I like to do is right after I roll the dough and cut the doughnuts is place them in a container with the doughnuts separated by wax paper. Once my container is full I place it in the freezer and can then just take the doughnuts out when I want to eat them. Let the doughnuts warm to room temperature and then they will be ready to fry.